Thursday, October 27, 2011


i just dont get it, y ppl labels ppl...its okay if its a good thing but most of , i mean MOSt of it r bad....
what is label? hmm, Labels have many uses: product identification, name tags, advertising, warnings, and other communication...but to mankind, labels r also for other ppl that r less 'perfect' seems that labelling ppl r from perfect ppl towards ppl with lots of flaws- perut gendut, botak, pendek, hitam, tomboy, pondan, pendiam pn org label....
but do they label themselves?? i think they put 'perfect' as their own label-ishhhh.....
pernah terjadi incident pada diri i di mana kasut yg dipakai oleh kawan i dilabel pelik dn menjadi bahan ketawa oleh mereka sekeluarga-anak kecil lagi...itu seakan mengajar anak mereka supaya jadi mereka....
let me put the labels on them, anak muka penyek, hitam, hidung kembang dn penyek, err lagi, anak mereka hitam, hidung kembang, muka penyek....mujur la adik i yg agak panas baran tu (i label dia, hehe) tak kasi penampar sama itu bini dia...hmm, mereka mmg dr keluarga yg bermuka buruk, kesian...i dnt label myself asd perfect because i know im not, n so do u...stop laabelling ppl, u r even worse to do dat, if u think labelling ppl makes u look good, listen here, ITS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP DREAMING!!!!!

ok, im enjoying ice lemon tea i d mcd ni, n im strictly on diet, pesanan i- i miss big mac...uwaaa...