Monday, March 5, 2012



anything happens for a the circumstances, we strive to go far n at my post, this is the time i move on further..

i really admire by the people that we dont know who the hell they r n all of a sudden they become sumone, sumone every people admire...

as a big example, susan boyle...siapalah dia sebelum ni...she became a very big success because of her talent...most probably (she is) she went thru a very rough n hard time in her life n at some point she wanted to make a change into her life..n singing gave her everytihing...
saya sgt kagum dgn org sebegini,...sedih dgr cerita mereka dn tgk mereka go thru a hard time dn sampai ke puncak n susan boyle, u can now say who has the last laugh..

saya nak jd spt mereka, cuma i tk nak the limelight, cukup sekadar berjaya membantu family saya dn lepasi segala halangan yg dtg..(tp berangan juga nk jd terkenal-nak jd pengacara :p)

in malaysia, sy sgt kagumi chef rose dlm rancangan selera d tv3...who the hell is she?? i dont evn know where she'd came from dn knp dia yg terpilih (selain dia seorg chef)..her natural act in cooking really makes my mind concludes that she is a talented person, no doubt about it...yg jadikan saya sgt kagum dgn dia adalh dia sendiri...i want to be like her...mature dn still have the opportunity to be a celeb...y? because she has wit n drive in being different...
she's in my list of idol now- n of coz my mom is no.1...

thanx mak dn susan boyle dn chef rose...
il be like u, one day...(tak lama lagi)

syed el-m

Thursday, October 27, 2011


i just dont get it, y ppl labels ppl...its okay if its a good thing but most of , i mean MOSt of it r bad....
what is label? hmm, Labels have many uses: product identification, name tags, advertising, warnings, and other communication...but to mankind, labels r also for other ppl that r less 'perfect' seems that labelling ppl r from perfect ppl towards ppl with lots of flaws- perut gendut, botak, pendek, hitam, tomboy, pondan, pendiam pn org label....
but do they label themselves?? i think they put 'perfect' as their own label-ishhhh.....
pernah terjadi incident pada diri i di mana kasut yg dipakai oleh kawan i dilabel pelik dn menjadi bahan ketawa oleh mereka sekeluarga-anak kecil lagi...itu seakan mengajar anak mereka supaya jadi mereka....
let me put the labels on them, anak muka penyek, hitam, hidung kembang dn penyek, err lagi, anak mereka hitam, hidung kembang, muka penyek....mujur la adik i yg agak panas baran tu (i label dia, hehe) tak kasi penampar sama itu bini dia...hmm, mereka mmg dr keluarga yg bermuka buruk, kesian...i dnt label myself asd perfect because i know im not, n so do u...stop laabelling ppl, u r even worse to do dat, if u think labelling ppl makes u look good, listen here, ITS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP DREAMING!!!!!

ok, im enjoying ice lemon tea i d mcd ni, n im strictly on diet, pesanan i- i miss big mac...uwaaa...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


"Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever"

Well, itu hanya quote yg i tetiba baca..for some ppl, beauty is solely depend on looks, hey, open ur mind, look is skin deep that incorporated well with good behavior, itu pendapat i...kita akan tgk org tu elok dn cantik kalau tahu hormat org-good behavior...kita akan tgk org tu elok dan cantik kalau bercakap guna otak-good behavior, kita akan tgk org tu elok dan cantik kalau dia memahami org lain-good behavior...this is the fact we living with which lack of it wud put us under uncivilized world, betul kan??
teringat tetiba, dulu guna sabun kulit rambai, kulit mmg jadi licin...
((fact) laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers n produces a general sense of well-being)...ketawa bebanyak k...

p/s- teringat pada family i d kuantan..miss them much..


NEW- new house, new life, new job, new interest, new me?? ermm, anyways, i just cant stand my neighbors!!! renovation tak siap2!!! (fyi, (fact)this is a bilingual blog, bahasa campoq)...a 3in a row house besides my house now r in a renovation...all the waste semua dump kat tepi rumah, dh masuk line rumah pn...told the owner a million time bout this thang, apa yg i dpt is ignorance...hmmm, if that's the case, il b ignorance too, i can do it better...takper, i stay lama kat sini nanti dn akn jumpa mereka setiap hari, perhaps, every minute kita akn bertembung muka!!!
((fact)i sekadar penyewa)
back of my house pn remodeling jgk daaa...i think u can imagine how's ur sleep gonna be, everyday............even on sundays :(....
i akn update semua bila mereka akan siap kerja mereka...they started since june..((fact) i kuat tido)

(chef wan ni bisinglah bila memasak, dia kata dia dh masuk zaman menopause, LOL)

p/s - dont wanna talk bout me for now...