Tuesday, September 27, 2011


"Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever"

Well, itu hanya quote yg i tetiba baca..for some ppl, beauty is solely depend on looks, hey, open ur mind, look deeper...beauty is skin deep that incorporated well with good behavior, itu pendapat i...kita akan tgk org tu elok dn cantik kalau tahu hormat org-good behavior...kita akan tgk org tu elok dan cantik kalau bercakap guna otak-good behavior, kita akan tgk org tu elok dan cantik kalau dia memahami org lain-good behavior...this is the fact we living with which lack of it wud put us under uncivilized world, betul kan??
teringat tetiba, dulu guna sabun kulit rambai, kulit mmg jadi licin...
((fact) laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers n produces a general sense of well-being)...ketawa bebanyak k...

p/s- teringat pada family i d kuantan..miss them much..


NEW- new house, new life, new job, new interest, new me?? ermm, anyways, i just cant stand my neighbors!!! renovation tak siap2!!! (fyi, (fact)this is a bilingual blog, bahasa campoq)...a 3in a row house besides my house now r in a renovation...all the waste semua dump kat tepi rumah, dh masuk line rumah pn...told the owner a million time bout this thang, apa yg i dpt is ignorance...hmmm, if that's the case, il b ignorance too, i can do it better...takper, i stay lama kat sini nanti dn akn jumpa mereka setiap hari, perhaps, every minute kita akn bertembung muka!!!
((fact)i sekadar penyewa)
back of my house pn remodeling jgk daaa...i think u can imagine how's ur sleep gonna be, everyday............even on sundays :(....
i akn update semua bila mereka akan siap kerja mereka...they started since june..((fact) i kuat tido)

(chef wan ni bisinglah bila memasak, dia kata dia dh masuk zaman menopause, LOL)

p/s - dont wanna talk bout me for now...